2023-2024 Registration


If you are experiencing difficulty registering through our Store, please register here.


Participation Waiver & Release of Liability Agreements to be read, understood, and accepted at the outset of any registration process. By enrolling your student or yourself with completed registration payment of $30.00 USD and first month tuition, you are automatically accepting all terms listed in this document. If you require any assistance before processing payment, please contact Director Kristiana Bell via email at ballet.cbat.com. Before paying the first month of tuition, these terms of service must be signed acknowledging that the signer has read, agreed to, and fully understands their responsibility to uphold these terms.

2023-2024 REGISTRATION POLICIES: All membership reservations are first come, first serve. Class openings are only secured after the payment of $30.00 USD is completed in full. Classes are capped at 12 students each. Applicants placed on a waitlist will be prioritized in the order by which they are received. Waitlisted applicants will be given 12 hours to claim their reservation before moving onto the next dancer. Refunds are not available for the $30.00 USD registration fee for any reason other than registering multiple times by mistake. The original registration fee will be retained in this case.  


PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT: I understand that dance classes may include, without limitation, stretching, barre work, floor combinations, center work, dancing with props, and other movement related activities. I further understand that there are specific risks of physical or property damages, losses, or injury that may result from my or my child’s participation with Classical Ballet Academy and Theatre LLC (CBAT), and I voluntarily assume the risks associated with such participation. I agree to release, waive, discharge, and hold harmless Classical Ballet Academy and Theatre LLC, its owners, its instructors, and its employees from any liability, claims, actions or losses for bodily injury, property loss/damage, or otherwise which arise out of my child’s participation in in-studio and online services provided by Classical Ballet Academy and Theatre LLC. I also authorize Classical Ballet Academy and Theatre LLC to take all reasonable steps to respond to medical emergencies and to seek medical treatment in the case of an injury. I understand that all dancers are expected to wear appropriate dance attire and footwear, as outlined in the Dress Code, in order to participate safely in class. I understand that in the event that Classical Ballet Academy and Theatre LLC must close due to an outbreak of infectious disease, inclement weather conditions or any other unforeseen circumstances, classes will transition online using the Zoom conferencing app. I am aware that Zoom classes are a compensatory service, therefore all tuition and withdrawal policies still apply in the situations listed above. I am aware that members should be dropped off no earlier than 15 min to start time and picked up no later than 15 min after finish time. I agree to ensure the emotional security of my student by picking up or scheduling a pickup within fifteen minutes after dismissal. I agree to receive a fee of $10.00 after 15 minutes of late pickup has passed and $1.00 for every additional minute until pick-up. I agree to pay this fee that will be due the 3rd of the next month with membership tuition.

TUITION AND MEMBERSHIPS: I understand that it is assumed that members are registered for the entire season after the first month of tuition is paid. I know that the season includes August (or from the first month of tuition paid) through June (10 months). I acknowledge that Classical Ballet Academy and Theatre LLC reserves the right to cancel classes due to insufficient enrolment and that in that case tuition will be refunded less the amount for classes taken. I accept that Classical Ballet Academy and Theatre LLC reserves the right to move a dancer into a new class/ level if it is deemed that the level they registered for is not where they will be most successful. I am aware that tuition will be automatically withdrawn from credit cards on file the 3rd of each month and that a tuition late fee of 10% will be required after the 3rd of each month should payment be late (not paid by 12:00 midnight the 4th of each month). I understand that December and June tuition are to be paid even if the member does not attend and that school and government holidays are calculated into tuition. I recognize that it is my responsibility to read all CBAT messages and newsletters to stay informed with all things CBAT and that my failure to do so could result in unforeseen consequences of my own fault.

PLEASE READ CAREFULLY: 2023-2024 SEASON MEMBERSHIP WITHDRAWAL & REFUND POLICY: I agree that two full months tuition will be required immediately after notification of membership cancelation. I am aware that those two months do not include any classes taken or that may be attended during the two-month cancelation period. I agree that should a member wish to withdraw after a performance, the next two months tuition will still be due immediately upon notification of withdrawal. Refunds for membership payments are not available. I know that prolonged absences, phone messages, or verbal notice are not acceptable forms of program withdrawal. I agree that I must sign the withdrawal contract and pay the two-month cancelation fee before exiting the program. I am aware that before paying the first month of tuition, members must sign a contract acknowledging and agreeing to these terms. I understand that medical withdrawals supported with sufficient documentation will be granted tuition credit for previously paid full year package memberships to be used towards future classes within the next calendar year and that those classes may be used by immediate family. I know that in the event that Classical Ballet Academy and Theatre LLC must close due to an outbreak of infectious disease, inclement weather conditions or any other unforeseen circumstances, classes will transition online using the Zoom conferencing app. I agree that Zoom classes are a compensatory service, therefore all tuition and withdrawal policies still apply in the situations listed above

NO SOLICITATION POLICY: I understand that solicitation/recruitment is unprofessional and unethical and will not be tolerated. Out of respect for CBAT and what it has created, I agree that no student or parents of students currently taking classes at CBAT and recently thereafter may solicit/recruit, or attempt to solicit/recruit, CBAT’s students and/or parents for other instruction relating to dance.

MEMBERSHIP RESPONSIBILITIES: I am aware and have informed my student that child members are not permitted to use phones or other devices unless authorized by the instructor and all devices must be set to silent mode during class. My student agrees that failure to follow this rule will result in the student being asked to turn their device in to the device box until the end of class. I am aware that classes will begin on time and finish with a five-minute grace period. My student and anyone associated with them will conduct themselves in an appropriate manner while at CBAT and at all performances and events in which CBAT is being represented. I agree that proper respect for instructors is expected of all students, parents/guardians and siblings. I am aware that any parent/guardian or student who disrupts class or approaches a teacher, another student, or parent with the intent to cause dissent or contravene the policies and procedures of CBAT will be dismissed immediately. I further agree that if my minor participating child or children and participants of the Family Dance Project or otherwise, directly or indirectly, commences, maintains, continues, assigns or participates in a proceeding or action against CBAT and/or its staff, then I will defend, indemnify and save harmless CBAT and/or its staff, from and against any and all resulting liabilities and costs, including legal fees on a solicitor-and-client basis.  

CLASS OBSERVATION: I understand that parents/guardians/family members are permitted to view their student’s progress from within the waiting area doorway. I agree to stand away from the viewing area if it is obvious any student is distracted. I recognize that sometimes students feel additional pressure and stress when trying to please a parent and that it is important for all students to remain focused while in the classroom. I agree that visitors are only permitted in the dance room during class time with the permission of the teacher.

SOCIAL MEDIA POLICIES: I agree that myself and those affiliated with CBAT may never post anything that could compromise the self-esteem of students who attend CBAT or post any negative comments about CBAT, its teachers, performances, or any events. I understand that videos of choreography may not be posted to social media in their entirety. I respect and agree that all choreography is the property of CBAT and is not permitted to be reused, restaged, copied, or sold without written permission of the director. I agree that improper use of social media will result in being asked to remove the content and students of offenders are not permitted to take class until the unacceptable post is removed. I agree that any inappropriate or slanderous remarks about CBAT on any social media site will be cause for immediate dismissal from the studio at the director’s discretion.

PHOTO/VIDEO RELEASE: I agree that Classical Ballet Academy and Theatre LLC may use a photo or video of my son/daughter/charge taken at the studio and/or during an off-site studio event to share for promotional purposes on its website, brochures, and/or social media platforms. I understand that should I wish to opt out of this use of my son/daughter/charge, written notification of said wishes are required to be received by Classical Ballet Academy and Theatre LLC prior to the registered dancer's participation in classes and/or events.

ABSENCE POLICY: I understand that absences for personal reasons will not result in discounted tuition. I know that make-up classes can be directly scheduled with Director Kristiana Bell. I will notify the teacher in cases of absence and tardiness. I understand that should a dance student enter class 15 minutes late, they will be instructed to stretch and take notes on choreography for the remainder of class for class credit. I agree that for performance events, a participant’s eligibility to perform may be revoked any time at the discretion of the lead instructors and/or studio director for lack of preparation/participation or any other reason. I understand that members must complete their class attendance responsibilities to perform in CBAT productions. I know that should a member not attend a dance class, it must be made up by coming to any other CBAT dance class with the exception of Adult Class and Mommy and Me Classes. I agree that it is the dancer’s responsibility to learn missed choreography. I accept that adults may not make up classes by attending children’s classes and children under 17 years of age may not attend Adult Class unless approved by their guardian and the director. I realize that make-up classes are required to fulfill attendance responsibilities (number of classes required for level of membership). I accept that absences not made-up are considered unexcused absences and may result in consequences. I am aware that to participate in CBAT productions/performances, members may only acquire 5 unexcused absences per semester. Failure to make up the 6th class will result in dancers not performing on stage.  

PERFORMANCES: I know that to participate in performances and all other CBAT activities performers must be current members of CBAT (or be cast in the Family Dance Project). I agree that a participant’s eligibility to perform may be revoked any time at the discretion of the lead instructors and/or studio director for lack of preparation/participation or any other reason. I know to participate in CBAT productions/performances, members may only acquire 5 unexcused absences per semester. I agree that failure to make up the 6th class will result in dancers not performing on stage. I accept that they may still work as a member of the stage crew if they wish but will not be permitted to perform. I know that memberships will be revoked should memberships fail to be paid timely. I also accept that memberships may also be canceled by the director at any time and for any reason. I agree that all performers must wear a costume approved by the director in accordance with these costume policies. I am aware that costumes are necessary to participate in performances and can be rented for $40.00 USD each or bought. I understand that attendance at all major Dress Rehearsals is mandatory and absences could result in not being allowed to perform. I know that it is assumed that all CBAT dance members are performing in all performances in which they are cast by the director. I will pay the non-refundable performance fee of $75.00 USD which is due October 3rd and April 3rd . I understand that only one performance fee is due for each family and that family is defined as direct nuclear family members living in the same household. I understand that dancers are required to stay and perform for the entirety of any performance unless an emergency arises of which the director must be notified immediately.

FAMILY DANCE PROJECT: I am aware that family members of CBAT student dancers who wish to participate in Family Dance Project designated dances, including but not limited to Party Scene from “The Nutcracker,” need not pay for regular memberships for themselves. I recognize that an initial registration fee of $30.00 USD serving as a retainer for each Family Dance Project dancer will be refunded after performance commitments, including performing and weekly/dress rehearsals, are complete. I agree to pay the $40.00 USD costume fee that is required for each family member performing unless the costume in its entirety is provided by the Parent Dancer and also approved by Director Kristiana Bell. I agree that participants unable to complete performance commitments, will not be refunded the $30.00 USD retainment fee. I understand that Family Dance Project dancers are only to attend scheduled rehearsals and may not take any other CBAT class without a full membership.

COSTUME AND OTHER FEES: I agree to pay costume fees that are due September 3rd and February 3rd. I understand that costumes belonging to CBAT may be rented for $40.00 USD and must be returned to the director after the last showing of the performance before leaving the performance venue. I know that all costumes may be rented for $40.00 USD to be used in CBAT performances only. I agree that should the director deem a rented costume unfit to be used again due to staining, tearing, or any other cosmetic reason, I have the responsibility to pay the remainder of the costume’s sale price on the following month’s tuition due date (the 3rd of the next month). I understand that all costumes must be approved by the director before appearing in a CBAT performance. I agree that should a costume be unfit to go on stage, it is the responsibility of members to fix the costume malfunction. I also agree that should the costume malfunction not be resolved, another costume will be used if available and that if a replacement costume is not available, the performer will not be permitted to go on stage until the costume malfunction is resolved. I understand that costume pieces include the main costume itself, tights, shoes, hair pieces, hair style, and makeup. I know that new tights and shoes will be available for purchase for costuming emergencies during performances and that all CBAT sales including tuition, merchandise, costumes, and fees are final.

RELEASE OF LIABILITY + COVID-19/ILLNESS POLICY: I recognize that the COVID-19 pandemic has required Classical Ballet Academy and Theatre LLC (CBAT) to take additional steps to help guard the health and safety of students, parents, siblings, families, and staff (hereinafter “Members”) who use CBAT facilities. I know that CBAT has prepared this COVID-19 Policy and Release of Liability, which all students/parents/guardians are required to review, sign, and follow. I accept that this document applies to students, parents, guardians, families and their guests, and is effective immediately and until further notice. In consideration for being permitted to use the services, programs and premises of CBAT, I agree to: follow posted and/or communicated rules and procedures regarding safe social interaction, physical distancing, environmental and personal hygiene, and other Covid-19 related protocols and to complete CBAT’s Health Declaration process or any other self-assessment health declaration form/checklist as may be required, based on the CDC’s COVID-19 Symptom Self-Assessment Tool, upon my first visit back to CBAT, and thereafter as required by CBAT. I hereby understand that any false declaration made on my Health Declaration Form or any other such form/checklist as may be required, or any failure to follow the COVID-19 rules and procedures established by CBAT for the purpose of maintaining the wellbeing of other Members, may result in disciplinary action. I understand that this could include suspension or expulsion. CBAT cautions that COVID-19 can be transmitted by asymptomatic individuals. I understand that declarations of Members do not provide certainty that Members have not been infected, or that COVID-19 will not be transmitted by Members. I know that attending CBAT premises and interacting with Members involves risk of infection. I agree that before choosing to attend CBAT, each Member must assess such risk for themselves and consult with their doctor where appropriate. I know that parents and legal guardians must also make informed and responsible decisions in consideration of the risks faced by the children in their care. I hereby understand that the CBAT has taken certain steps to implement recommended guidance and protocols issued by the local, municipal, provincial and federal health authorities relating to the transmission of COVID-19. I acknowledge and agree that CBAT may revise its procedures at any time based on updated recommended protocols issued by the local, municipal provincial and/or federal health authorities and I further agree to comply with such procedures, as updated or revised, prior to and during my use of and/or attendance at the facilities, services and programs of CBAT. On my own behalf and on the behalf of my minor participating children, I hereby release, waive, agree not to sue, discharge, and agree to hold harmless CBAT, its directors, officers, employees, volunteers, agents, assigns and insurers from any and all liability, claims, actions, complaints, or causes of action, whether caused by the breach of contract or negligence of CBAT or otherwise, related to my, or my minor children’s use of and/or attendance at the facilities, services and programs of CBAT. I hereby assume full responsibility for the risk of illness, bodily injury or death to myself or my minor children caused by or related to my, or my minor children’s use of and/or attendance at the facilities, services and programs of CBAT.

IN CONCLUTION: I recognize that this release and waiver is intended to be broad and inclusive. I agree that if any part of it is held to be invalid for any reason, it shall not affect the enforceability of the remaining provisions. I recognize that this is a binding agreement, and that it binds me, my successors, spouses, children, parents, family, guardians, assigns, heirs, administrators and anyone else who might claim in my name or on my behalf, or on behalf of my minor children or in their names. I am informed of the withdrawal policies and will accept their complete application should I or my student discontinue classes. I understand that by completing online registration, all parents/guardians are confirming that they have carefully read, understood, and voluntarily agreed to the entirety of the above terms and conditions as outlined by Classical Ballet Academy and Theatre LLC, and agree to be bound by all terms. I am aware that if I require any assistance before processing non-refundable payment, I may email Director Kristiana Bell at ballet.cbat@gmail.com with any questions.